Printing is a simple matter

d with white cartons, overloaded information. For this they were poorly made, and their design was calling for vengeance to heaven. Today, companies with white-card business cards are still meeting, but fortunately there are mo

Printing is a simple matter

What is the company's showcase? Maybe a business card ...

A small card with company data, and so many possibilities ... Business cards in Poland even 5-10 years ago were associated with white cartons, overloaded information. For this they were poorly made, and their design was calling for vengeance to heaven.

Today, companies with white-card business cards are still meeting, but fortunately there are more and more companies focusing on modernity.

So what should include such a modern business card - first of all a logotype, clearly visible, preferably not neighboring with any other element. A phone number is not necessary at all and a lot depends on the industry. Recently, the address of the site is more and more often used instead. Modern business card puts on minimalism and simplicity - what my opinion makes a much better better impression than the old type of business cards.

About standards

Standards in every industry and business are important. Imagine that we buy a monitor and its input does not match our video card, even though it has the same type. That's why certain standards apply.

In polygraphy and graphics, such standards also exist - appropriate definitions of CMYK colors - key for the appropriate color reproduction. Specified in advance formats for printing leaflets and business cards, so that they are comfortable and as uniform as possible. Without standards, even leaflets could be completely unreadable and even repulsive.

Laser printing in Wikipedia

Laser printing is an electrostatic digital printing process. It produces high-quality text and graphics (and moderate-quality photographs) by repeatedly passing a laser beam back and forth over a negatively charged cylinder called a "drum" to define a differentially charged image.1 The drum then selectively collects electrically charged powdered ink (toner), and transfers the image to paper, which is then heated in order to permanently fuse the text, imagery, or both. As with digital photocopiers, laser printers employ a xerographic printing process. However, laser printing differs from analog photocopiers in that the image is produced by the direct scanning of the medium across the printer's photoreceptor. This enables laser printing to copy images more quickly than most photocopiers.


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